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Picture Obverse Picture Reverse NumberNumbers of the tokens

We often use the "token identification numbers" of a catalog we know
So you can use this numbers to swap with other collectors.




this is the country of use

zz = unknown

CityCity of use

If there is a city name, then the token is made for that city

zz is unknown or N.A.

MetalMaterial of the token

A aluminium - B brass - Bi bi-metal - Bz bronze - K copper - P plastic - S steel - SS stainless steel - Sv silver -WM white metal / copper-nickel / nickel - Z zinc - L lead - zz unknown

(example B/S is a steel token Brass plated)

Tokens with colours:

a aquamarine - b blue - d gray - e black - g green - h beige - i brown - o orange - p pink - r red - w white - y yellow - z purple
(example Pa is aquamarina plastic)

DiameterDiameter of the token in mm

when we know, the diam is in 0.1 mm

if your token measuring significantly different then it may be a variant (please inquire me)

zz = unknown (please inquire me)

HoleHole shape / position

Ch = center hole; the round hole is placed in the middle of the token.

Hole = a round hole usually on top of the token and mostly done by hand drilling.

Hx = hexagon shaped hole

Sd = solid; no hole.

Sl = slot shaped hole

Sq = square shaped hole.

Tr = triangle shaped hole.

AlignAlignment of the token

if you turn the token from left to right = the revers will points .. o'clock

example 0 = Medal Alignment 6 = Coin Alignment

belg 00 I'm waiting for the new catalog I want to use the same token identification numbers as used in the catalog Belgium
czec 2-01
equa fake 02
fran 25
cana 01 VIC. & ESQ'T. TELEPHONE CO. LTD. * / (ornament) -+- / ONE CALL / -+- Canada Victoria WM 21.2 Sd zz
bras 232 C / T / N (vg) ? Brazil B 20 Sd 0
czec 1-02-06 . / TAAS / * (dot in 0) . / TAAG / * (dot in 0) Czechoslovakia Z 25 Sd 0
czec 1-02-10 . / TAAS / * (dot in 9) . / TAAG / * (dot in 0) Czechoslovakia Z 25 Sd 0
czec 1-02-01 . / TAAS / * (dot in 1) . / TAAG / * (dot in 1) Czechoslovakia Z 25 Sd 0
czec 1-02-02 . / TAAS / * (dot in 2) . / TAAG / * (dot in 2) Czechoslovakia Z 25 Sd 0
czec 1-02-03 . / TAAS / * (dot in 3) . / TAAG / * (dot in 3) Czechoslovakia Z 25 Sd 0
czec 1-02-07 . / TAAS / * (dot in 2 and 3) . / TAAG / * (dot in 3) Czechoslovakia Z 25 Sd 0
czec 1-02-08 . / TAAS / * (dot in 4) . / TAAG / * (dot in 4 and 6) Czechoslovakia Z 25 Sd 0
czec 1-02-04 . / TAAS / * (dot in 4) . / TAAG / * (dot in 4) Czechoslovakia Z 25 Sd 0
czec 1-02-09 . / TAAS / * (dot in 4 and 6) . / TAAG / * (dot in 4) Czechoslovakia Z 25 Sd 0
czec 1-02-05 . / TAAS / * (dot in 9) . / TAAG / * (dot in 9) Czechoslovakia Z 25 Sd 0
chin 04-1 (2 chinese letters) / (2 chinese letters) / (3 chinese letters) (2 chinese letters) / (2 chinese letters) / (2 chinese letters) / (2 chinese letters) China Shanghai Bz 18.3 Sd 0
bras 418 1986 (g) LOCAL (g) FONTAMAC (incuse) (date 6 x 2mm) (2x1.5 square) / SISTEMA / TELEBRÁS (g) (logo) (incuse) Brazil Z 23.1 Sd 0
bras 419 1986 (g) LOCAL (g) FONTAMAC (incuse) (date 6 x 2mm) (2x2 square) / SISTEMA / TELEBRÁS (g) (logo) (incuse) Brazil Z 22.9 Sd 0
chin 02 (7 chinese letters) * (3 chinese letters) * China Shanghai WM 24.5 Ch free

1 2 3 .. -> .. 71


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